Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dyslexia Rates By Country

Presentation of New Lábaro donated by the Bethlehem Youth Group Rake

Today December 27 at 12 am, has celebrated the feast of St. John the Evangelist, Patron of Youth.

After the Mass, presented the new labarum donated by the Young Group, which was the first enser dedicated to our Sacred Head, San Juan Evangelista, who came under a canopy each evening of Holy Wednesday Our Lady of Suffering.

This piece is headed by the head of the Apostle and Evangelist John, carved, polychrome and gilded by sculptor Juan Malaga Vega Ortega. The gold of the work has left the workshops Juan Angulo (Lucena, Córdoba), which also are being made improvements to the throne of Our Blessed Lady.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can Mylanta Cause Black Bowel Movements

From December 11 we visited Bethlehem in our Fellowship located in the C / Coronel (San juan Plz.) next to "Malaguena," which will be open every day until the next January 5 in the morning and afternoon.

addition Bethlehem has installed a Charity Rake organized by the Investigation Board of Social Work and Welfare whose profits will go to Caritas. In this Investigation Board is invited to all the brothers to help out by guards in Bethlehem or providing items for the Flea as clothing, toys, books or any item that is in good condition. If you are interested in collaborating contact our sister Amalia which will be in the morning in the Rake.
forward to your visit and cooperation.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Zero No Tsukaima Season 4 Release

Charity Releases for Easter 2010

After approval by the Board of Governors on Tuesday 22 September, we are proud to announce the releases that will be undertaken on the throne of Our Lady of Suffering in evening of Holy Wednesday of next year.
-Making a new table to the throne.
-floor replacement including wood table to improve the candelería subject.
-reinforcement of the corners of the throne, Marian reasons, to improve the tightness of the buttresses, moving into a future based angels flying buttresses. News
exterior trim of 130 mm. in the bottom of the box to fit the seat that replaces the exterior overhang.
-Creation of a new chapel to the front of the throne on which is placed an image of Our Lady Angels (about 380x200 mm. the size of the image). This chapel replaced Arborstone Cross to move to the center of the new base.
-embroidered canopy roof and change color to a shade of the burgundy eggplant.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where To Buy Calgel Where Can I Buy Calgel?

levee Triduum of Our Lady of Suffering

In this article we attach photos of the recently concluded Triduum in honor of Stmo. Exaltation of Christ and Our Lady of Suffering. Our dear Mother was a devout hand kissing during her feast day, Sept. 15, the date of the Glorious Dolores.
As a curiosity it is noteworthy that our Blessed Virgin continued by another hand kissing for September more devotees, she being the first in Manchester to perform such an act back in the sixties.

Example Of Dui Counseling

Triduum of September last year

Our Lady of Suffering presided from the beloved altar of San Agustin Church Augustinian brothers have given us shelter for more than four years. As is traditional the three days culminated in the levee at Our Lady of Pain Mayor last September 15, 2008.