After approval by the Board of Governors on Tuesday 22 September, we are proud to announce the releases that will be undertaken on the throne of Our Lady of Suffering in evening of Holy Wednesday of next year.
-floor replacement including wood table to improve the candelerĂa subject.
-reinforcement of the corners of the throne, Marian reasons, to improve the tightness of the buttresses, moving into a future based angels flying buttresses. News exterior trim of 130 mm. in the bottom of the box to fit the seat that replaces the exterior overhang.
-Creation of a new chapel to the front of the throne on which is placed an image of Our Lady Angels (about 380x200 mm. the size of the image). This chapel replaced Arborstone Cross to move to the center of the new base. -embroidered canopy roof and change color to a shade of the burgundy eggplant.