Friday, March 18, 2011

Decorate A Folding Chair

CSR: ISO 26000: beyond the companies

ISO 26000: Beyond companies

The initiative has attracted those workers waiting organizations hope to demonstrate socially responsible behavior

Throughout history, the country's unions have called for workers to claim. At first, they struggled to deliver a better quality of life to neglected social classes and obtain social gains. But times have changed and what was once is now essential basics such as breaks and Sunday working hours not exceeding 45 hours per week.

The changed scenario has forced these institutions to new needs arise, such as ensuring for good practice and to link economic performance with social.

And unions are willing to accede, promoting strong relationships and trust, with clear accountability to its target audience (stakeholders), friendly and socially fair. How are you are actions that are considered in the new ISO 26000 Social Responsibility (SR), which gradually attracted to such organizations.

ISO 26,000

New Policies for a socially responsible action, brought to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) detected the need for legislation.

Thus was born the ISO 26000. That if, in contrast to those made previously, this is not intended to certify or regulate. So much so that if an institution offered some kind of legitimization, would misrepresent their purpose and giving the lead to misuse.

To contextualize what is the guide, we can say that is useful for all types of organizations and contains concepts, background, materials and fundamental principles of Social Responsibility, which were discussed in workshops involving stakeholders from 99 countries participating in the so-called mirror committee, of which Chile was part next to National Standards Institute (INN), discussing the scope the RS.

In this context, there were institutions that were interested in pushing the initiative, as the CUT, Codelco unions, the Federation of Retail and Minera de Chile (FMC), the latter sent as representative Nibaldo Rojas Mirror Committee of Chile, where he discussed the importance of the rule. According Nibaldo Rojas, for their participation in international plenary meetings, was strongly linked to the group of English translation of the ISO, and the initial objective of their participation, was the trade unions and nonmembers of the FMC to participate in the process, a situation that remained standing until the change directory of the organization.


Seeing the importance of the RS has gained in mining companies, some trade unions of large companies have decided to step forward. Thus members Minera Gaby Union have undertaken to include management and RS to its activity, using the guide "NCh ISO 26000 of 2010, in force since December last year and complements the work with sustainability report based on the methodology of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) year management 2011, which will be presented in 2012. In fact, this organization is a member of GRI as Organisational Stakeholder.

For workers union president of Minera Gaby, Emilio Páez "the union is an organization of reference and is the voice of society"; benefit from this initiative is a tool to improve the management association meeting with a social role in representing workers.

On the other hand, the Union of SCM El Abra have participated in trainings on Quality of Life and Management Association, rising gradually NCh Initiatives under the ISO 26000.

For these two organizations, the challenge is to incorporate a paradigm shift as Nibaldo Rojas explains, there was distrust on the part of association at the time began to discuss the ISO 26000. It was understood that companies should demand socially responsible behavior, on the other hand, those who had built the RS at the time, were only marketing.

The discussion reached international borders and experts noted that the implementation of ISO 26000 may weaken the unions, calling it a soft rule that threatened the production of laws to protect workers.

distrust that initially affected the credibility of this legislation, but with time and the work of the various actors was declining, reaching agreements that had satisfied the committee members mirror.

worth noting that the most important part of this initiative is to improve and expand union management vision, going beyond the expectations of its stakeholders, ie, their partners and families, officials, companies to which they belong, other children and the community in which they are embedded. It is expected that trade unions take the initiative to incorporate the ISO 26000 can disseminate, educate and support other smaller unions, assisting, for example, on how to handle collective bargaining, to reflect a commitment to better society, expressed solidarity and mutual support.


But what are the benefits of adhering to this policy? In addition to the competitive advantage deliver the initiative, there is a better perception of the community, internal and external public and attract, in the case of unions, more members and for other organizations, more and better employees, customers and users. On the other hand, it is possible to improve the relationship with government, community organizations, media, among others.

also addressing socially responsible initiatives, can have significant changes in organizational culture and improve internal and external communications, implementing it in all its activities and decisions.

certainly an opportunity for organizations to meet sustainable development going beyond the legal rules, because that is the real importance of the RS, more and better no matter that this is an imposition, but rather an initiative that was created for the common good.


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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diploma in Responsibility Corporate Social
UN Diploma in Knowledge Management "UN

CEL: 93934521
Santiago - Chile
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