Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Get Rid O F Acorns

Experts restricted Santiago: Chile has little space for refuse and energy HidroAysén CHILE-RENEWABLE nuclear

gas table
March 17, 2011, 9:25
Today there is a new version of the table of the gas in Magallanes, which will involve the biministro of Energy and Mining, Laurence Golborne. Yesterday
dialogue with Penguin Radio, Secretary of State defended participation of all industry players in the meetings, because "we need to know the reality of all businesses."
This following questions from workers Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP), who criticized the presence of Geopark in the table.
Alejandro Avendaño's concern. Union president emerges after both the Intendant Liliana Kusanovic as Deputy Finance Minister, Rodrigo Alvarez, have indicated their interest to continue with presentations by various regional companies that work with the oil and Gasco, Edelmag, Methanex and Geopark.
In fact, today is expected exposures and Edelmag Gasco. "I'll together with the union tomorrow (today) to hear their proposals, but we can not leave anyone out because all opinions and suggestions are welcome, "he said Golborne.
conversation with Golborne also served to know the opinion about a hot topic: nuclear energy in Chile, a subject that has been talked about for quite some time, but still fails to materialize in the country. In this regard, the minister was emphatic in asserting that "in Chile there is no nuclear program. No decision on the matter and do not want to venture into a debate that is not for us. "
The Magellan biministro trip started last night but throughout the day was outstanding the development of the debate on accelerating the effective date of the Taxpayer Protection System (SIPC) to changes of benzene.
After reaching agreement on the Senate Finance Committee, the scene was repeated the day before and the room of the Upper House held a heated debate before the vote that settled close to the fuel prices will not rise today, despite the ENAP announced to raise benzene at 25 pesos.
The vote in the Senate ratified the decision of the lower house to approve the entry into force of SIPC, but was due to hold a second vote that ended with 17 votes in favor, 2 against and 12 abstentions.
With this, it is expected that the initiative is poised to become law and the maintenance of concrete price, although lawmakers renewed their insistence that there are changes in specific taxes.

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Rodrigo González Fernández Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility "UN
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www.el-observatory www.calentamientoglobalchile.

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